The Case for President Sanders

Zach Toillion
4 min readOct 29, 2019

Bernie Sanders should be our next President, here are just a few reasons why.

Sanders has the most experience of any candidate in the field at 40 years come 2021. He has been consistent on the issues for his entire life, whether it be rights for marginalized communities, climate change, or the need for universal health care. He was so out front on women’s issues he was called an honorary woman by Gloria Steinem in 1994.

His plans would make the average person’s life easier. He has a plan to cover every single American in our health care system with zero copays, deductibles and premiums. The increase in taxes to pay for such services would save the average household thousands per year. He has a fully financed plan to eliminate all student debt and make college tuition free. He’s proposed regulations that would make rent prices much more affordable. He wants to eliminate medical debt, invest in new infrastructure, and enact changes to corporate structure that would give workers more of a say in their company’s decisions. He’s also got a climate plan that creates millions of new jobs.

He’d be our first culturally Jewish (probably actually Atheist) President. He’d be our first Independent President. He’d be our first Socialist President.

But how’s he going to pay for this? Medicare for all saves 5 trillion yearly, it’s…



Zach Toillion

Libertarian Socialist who writes about politics, economics, philosophy religion & history. Former Newspaper Columnist.